About Us

Hello and welcome to little hearts and souls!
I’m Eleni girl mumma to two beautiful, magical and busy little girls who keep me on my toes.
I started little hearts and souls because it’s important to me that kids maintain a sense of wonder and experience magic in their lives.
My love for potions, all things mystical and playing out in nature began when I was only a few years old. I grew up in a serene and leafy suburb south of Sydney where all the kids would play outside until the street lights came on. I would make fairy and witch potions using flower petals and other things I found outside in nature.
When we first went into lockdown in NSW I was outside looking for things to keep my little girl busy and I remembered my potion making days and love for fairies. Once I introduced potion making and fairy gardens to my little girl she was hooked!
So here we are sharing our love and passion for making potions and throwing ourselves into a magical sensory world. We hope you'll love it too.
love, blessings and sparkles xoxo